Solutions to Fix Windows 10/11 Update Error Code Er0x800F0922

A Windows Update error with code 0x800f0922 signifies that there was an issue installing one or more updates. Installation errors with Windows 10 versions 1909, 20H2, and 21H1 happen when users attempt to install updates. You may encounter the following notice when you encounter Windows 10 Update Error Code 0x800f0922: "Something went wrong." You can check the list of issues to be fixed or try again. There is a 0x800f0922 error.


This Error Code 0x800f0922 can be caused by a number of factors, including:

Insufficient space: If your computer doesn’t have enough space to install the update, you may see this error.

Third-party software conflicts:

Few of Third-party software, Mainly in antivirus software,  involves in the install part of Windows updates , Errors like Windows 11 Update Error Code 0x800f0922

Corrupt system files: Corrupt system files can cause all sorts of issues with Windows, including problems with updates.

Connectivity issues: If there is a problem with your internet connection, you may not be able to download and install updates properly.

To fix this Error Code 0x800f0922 follow the given solutions:

Free up disk space:

Make sure you have enough disk space to install the update. You can try deleting unnecessary files, uninstalling unused applications, or moving files to an external drive to free up space.

  • Click Win + R, type cleanmgrand press OK

  • Select C:and press OK.

  • Click Clean up system filesand Hit OK.

  • Choose C:and click OK

  • Check all the boxes that you want to delete and click OK > Delete files.

Run the Windows Update trouble-shooter:

View the Settings app, go to Update & Security, and click on Troubleshoot. Run the Windows Update trouble-shooter and follow the prompts to fix any issues it finds.


  • In Windows click on the Start icon and pick out Settings to open this app.

  •  Under the System tab, scroll down to discover Troubleshoot on the proper aspect of the screen.

  •  Click Other trouble-shooters and you can see many trouble-shooters associated to hardware and PC.

  •  Hit to Windows Update and  Press on the Run button option  This trouble-shooter will run to routinely discover and restoration troubles that lead to the installation Update error 0x800f0922.

If you have problem in doing this method, we advise you to choose a Technical Support from us to help you better. for more information visit our website.

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