How to Fix Error Code 0x80080005 in Windows 10/11 Update?

Windows Update error code 0x80080005 alerts the user when it cannot locate an appropriate device driver for the installation. This problem may arise for a number of reasons, which we will assist you in troubleshooting. Second, a common cause of Error Code 0x80080005 in Windows 10/11 is an unsuccessful installation of the.NET framework. The following are some methods you might try to fix this problem.

Reasons of the Windows Update Error Code 0x80080005 

Sometimes Windows 10 update error code 0x80080005 can show up even after running the default Windows Update troubleshooter. It can be when some of the System files, Update services, and Components are corrupted. In that case, you need to do an in-place repair/Windows upgrade of your Windows 10 computer. In another case, this error was showing up when reinstalling the SCCM client agent. The leading cause was that the BITS service was not running. It already existed on the client computer but not started. When we did it, the windows update error 0x80080005 was gone.

What is In-place Windows Repair/Upgrade?

It is a typical Windows troubleshooting step where the corrupted windows, system, component files are repaired. Even after executing the DISM tool, you are still getting update errors; then, this is the only solution. It will not delete your files, applications, apps. You need to take the right step for this.

Solve Error Code 0x80080005 in Windows 10/11 or 8.1 or 7

  1. Control Panel> Programs and Features

  2. Turn Windows features on or off then check .NET framework 3.5. The pre-requisites should installed

  3. If it is not successful uninstall the KB’s related to .NET framework 3.5 and then re-install them

  4. Restart your computer if needed

If the windows 11 update error code 0x80080005 still exists, follow some more steps to fix the issue and install/upgrade/update your operating system.

Fix Windows Update Error Code 0x80080005 While Updating/Upgrading

  1. Perform an sfc scan so that you can fix potentially corrupted or missing files, most of the cases this system file scan fix common issues with a file system

  2. To do a restore to healthy previous setup with command prompt to fix potentially corrupted or missing files

  3. Using windows update troubleshooter fix it a tool, this is also a good tool to automatically fix most common issues

  4. By cleaning SDF (Software distribution folder) for a clean slate for Windows Update or renaming so machine itself creates a fresh one in the next update

  5. Resetting PC

Simple SFC Scan Method to Fix Error code 0x80080005 in Windows 10/11 Update

The system file scanning process is very simple to try while fixing issues with windows issues. Just follow these steps.

  • Open command prompt in admin mode, to do this Type CMD in windows start menu search and right-click on CMD application to get through Run as admin option

  • In the command prompt window, type SFC/SCANNOW and press enter

  • The scanning process takes some time to return results

Finally, If you are still not able to resolve this error, we suggest you to chat with our assured experts. I am sure they will give you the best solutions to resolve this error completely. You can also visit our website for more information.

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